Template Variables

This is a little more niche and mostly just used to save time while building patches, but Sicario also supports storing and retrieving variables in templates.

Defining Variables

To define your variables, you can add a top-level key called _vars to your mod and add your variables with name and value to that:

  "_meta": {
    // removed for brevity
  "_vars": {
    "weaponList": "'0,saa,mlaa'"
  "assetPatches": {
    //removed for brevity

Then, your patches can retrieve that value using vars.variableNameHere in a template:

  "_vars": {
    "weaponList": "'0,saa,mlaa'"
  "filePatches": {
    "ProjectWingman/Content/ProjectWingman/Blueprints/Data/AircraftData/DB_Aircraft.uexp": [
          "name": "WeaponsChanges",
          "patches": [{
              "description": "Give FC16 the chosen weapons",
              "template": "datatable:['F-16C'].{'HardpointCompatibilityList*'}.[[1]]",
              "value": "StrProperty:{{ vars.weaponList }}",
              "type": "propertyValue"

Note that variable names only have to be unique to the mod they’re defined in. Variables are not shared across mods so you don’t have to worry about affecting other mods if you include it in a preset or merged mod.